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Increase in Number of Americans Gaining EU Citizenship

Many Americans are seeking a European citizenship for various reasons including business and investment opportunities, taking advantage of the opportunity to work remotely, political reasons, or for a complete change in lifestyle. And the number of Americans seeking second citizenships quadrupled in the last two years from those who wish to access the EU market.

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Recent reports from Global RCG show that around 40% of Americans are entitled to a European citizenship. So, how is this?

Well, each country is different.

Ireland´s citizenship requirements extend to include fourth-generation Irish Americans, who also meet other criteria. 3284 Americans applied for and Irish passport in the beginning of 2022, which was more than double compared to the year before.

For Italian citizenship, if you have family connections that go back as far as 1861, you may also be entitled to an EU citizenship. The Italian consulate in New York currently has 3700 people pending to process their application.

You may also be entitled to German citizenship by descent. An estimated 45 million people in the Unites States claim German ancestry.

If you are from the States and would like to have the option of easily purchasing property, travelling to, or residing in Spain, then it would be worth your while to find out more about your roots and see if you are eligible for an EU passport.

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