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2022: All-time high in number of foreign property investors in Spain.

2022 has seen an all-time high of foreign investment in Spain.

Since the plunge in property investment from foreigners in 2020 due to the global pandemic, the Spanish property market has seen a swift rise, a record-breaking rise in fact, of foreign demand for property.

According to the Spanish Notaries, 72,987 property sales in the first half of this year involved a foreign buyer, which is more than half the amount than the same time last year. Considering that 2021 saw an all-time record of 111,743 foreign investors, it gives us a clue how the second half of 2022 may very well see this record surpassed.

Statistics show that most of the demand comes from the UK and Germany, with the most growth in demand seen from Holland, Norway and Ireland.

The nationalities who spent the most were the Danish (2,870€ pm2 on average), and those from the USA (2,701€ pm2 on average).

The hotspots for foreign investors saw an all-time high in the first 6 months – the Balearics had 4,244 foreign buyers, Cataluña 10,741, and the Costa Blanca 20,652.

The statistics indicate that this surge in property sales is unlikely to change, and some suggest that if it were to slow down again, the likely reason to this would be a lack of desired property in prime locations.

If you wish to buy quality luxury property in a prime location, get in touch with us to begin your search:

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